Book A Consultation

Elevate Your Writing Career

The writing to publish journey isn’t simple. There’s so much to know. From writing conventions to distribution platforms to getting an agent; it gets overwhelming quickly.

Where do you begin?

I’m an agented author with practical experience in publishing and with a master’s degree in business and education, I’ve been involved with start-ups and coached organizations and solopreneurs. I have practical experience with advertising, marketing, audio-visual media, and accounting through various pursuits.

Most of all, I want you to succeed in your writing endeavors. Let my experience, lessons learned, and hard knocks show you the way.

Budget-minded, I offer easy, practical guidance and solutions. Reach out to me via the contact form below for a free, individualized recommendation based on your needs.

Services & Pricing

Fiction: Mystery, Suspense, and Romance Genres
Nonfiction: Business, Psychology, Education, Self-help
  • Actionable Marketing Plan
  • Author Branding
  • Concept and Story
  • Developmental Assessment
  • Business Planning
  • Publication Strategy
….and more!

Includes: A virtual meeting via Zoom and a summary report

  • 50 page document critique . . . $30
  • Up to 30 minutes . . . $40
  • Up to 60 minutes . . . . $75
  • Over 60 minutes . . . quoted price


Contact Me

  • I’ll provide you with an individualized recommendation within two business days. In the description, be sure to include if you are:

A Fiction or Nonfiction Writer?
Published or Unpublished?
Traditional, Self-Published, or Both?


Reference from PNWA

Is the viewpoint consistent – first person, third person, or omniscient? Is POV clear? If there is a change in POV is the transition easy to follow? Does the point of view pull you out of the story?

The goal is to present well-rounded believable characters. Do the characters actions/reactions move the story forward? Is the emotion and motivation clear? Do the characters face an internal/external struggle?

Dialogue/Internal Narration
Does the dialogue/internal narrative advance the plot? Does the dialogue have purpose? Is the dialogue/internal narrative distinct to each character?

Conflict is essential. It should include internal and external dilemmas that are high stakes for the characters. Are the characters reactions to the conflict consistent with the character? Was the overall conflict of the story made clear? Does the conflict continue to escalate to keep the reader engaged?

Plot is a series of events that comprise a story’s main action. It is made up of a sequence of individual but connected elements that compels the main character to embark on a journey. Doe the story establish a journey that is either physical, mental and/or emotional in nature? Does the plot’s primary journey lead to a climatic event? Does the plot lead toward a solution?

Setting should include the location, time, weather, environment and other details to ground the reader. Is the story established in time, mood, and atmosphere using the five senses? Do characters interact with their setting? Do the transitions between the scenes encourage you to keep reading?

Is there an understanding of grammar – limited typos and other grammar issues?

Is it clear to the reader using word choice, plot, theme, and characters what the genre of the story?